Sunday, December 07, 2008

Meaningful Words (12/7/08)

As I think about waiting within God’s ever-present love, peace and grace, the following poems come to mind,

There is a White
There is a white for this black of ours.
It will show itself in its hour,
But we who hold it in our hearts,
No ray of dark can penetrate our parts.

But what of this light?
What use is it, if it cannot shine bright!
Too often we turn away its source.
We take out our swords,
Made by the hand of Satan,
And slash it into oblivion.

But this light cannot die.
It cannot be swept away.
There are those who have claimed it
And the light lives on in them.

The light has a place in all of our hearts.
Every single one must play its part.
Through them this world will change.
Through them it will exchange
Its darkness for the EVERLASTING LIGHT!


Be Still
“Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
-Psalm 46:10

Be still, My child and know that you are loved.
Endless, limitless, eternal love is yours.
My Son paid the price and you are free to come.

Come and know Me
Come and know that you are loved.
Come with no expectations, for they will all be blown away.
Come with no preparations, the price has already been paid
Come with no restrictions for they are only self-imposed
Come desiring nothing, knowing you will receive all that is of true worth.

I am the One Who has loved you since before time began
As you were formed within your mother’s womb
I knew you and called you My chosen one
You are My child and I love you.

Son of God, Immanuel
Tonight You came with us to dwell

You came to show us how to live
You came to us eternal life to give

Child of the King, You came from above
To teach us the true meaning of love

Took on our flesh, took on our sin
Our earthly burden, You took within

By Your hands, our wounds were healed
With Your blood our hearts are sealed

Teach us this day
To walk in Your way

Almighty Father, watch over us
Protect us from our darkness

Holy Spirit, Who dwells within
Keep us this day from all sin

Jesus, Redeemer, Lover, and Friend
To us Your embrace now extend

As we gather with our family
As we gather with our friends

Your love guides our hearts, as we amble blindly
While we hold hands, Your grace descends

And for those of us, who spend this season alone
As our spirits within us groan

Remind us, I pray, that You are always there.
Remind us, O Lord, that You always care.

The road we walk is treacherous
But You O Lord are ever with us

Give us this day our daily bread
Watch over us as we go to bed.

As I close this letter, I ask each of you to pray for each other and me as I pray for you. Pray that we will remember God’s loving presence in and with us always. Pray that we will remember to lean on Him at all times, not just when we find ourselves worn out and exalted. Pray that we will reach out with God’s love and power to all those around us who need to know of His presence with them so much, especially during this holiday season.

Sharing My Life (12/7/08): Never Alone

Another really encouraging thing God has been teaching me lately is that we are never really alone. Jesus’ last words to His disciples were, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20b). God was, is and will always be with us. His love, peace and grace are always available to us. The problem is that we are often too preoccupied with our own attachments to notice His presence with us.

Yet there is more to this. One of the most powerful ways I have experienced God’s presence with me is through His people. When we receive God’s Holy Spirit within us, we are receiving His Presence within us. When we reach out in love, God is reaching out in love in and with us. When God calls us to serve Him, He gives us the power to do whatever He calls us to. I don’t know about you, but I have often found myself way over my head in my life with God. Does this mean I have left His will? No, I have found there are many times where God calls us specifically into situations He knows are beyond us because He wants us to learn to depend on Him. God never meant us to try and live this life on our own. We were always meant to find and live life within our relationship with Him.

This also means that God is with us even in the midst of our struggling and suffering. Whether the situation we find ourselves in is of our own making or the result of outside forces does not change the fact that God is still with us. Though, admittedly there are times when we may not want to acknowledge His presence. As ministers of God’s love, peace and grace, this also means that we are called to minister to all people, no matter who they are or what they’ve done. Regardless of how I may feel about a certain person or situation, God is still calling me to reach out in love. In that way, God can be present to that person and within that situation in and through us. I believe it is God’s hope and dream that not only will all His children realize His love for them, but that they will see and feel it through the loving presence of His people among them. God is calling and empowering us to be His ministers of love throughout the world. The question is will we hear Him.

Life Update (12/7/08): Waiting

Throughout this past month I have been prayerfully seeking God’s will for my life and as I have listened, the message I continually get back is “Stay where you are and wait.” What I believe that means is that God desires me to stay in Minnesota, working with Accessible Space, Inc. and that He still has work to do in and through me here. As one might imagine, I find this word both encouraging and disappointing. While it is encouraging to know that God is working in and through my life in my current context of being an Independent Living Skills (ILS) Worker, at times I find myself yearning for more.

Yet, even in this time of waiting and preparation, I know I am still exactly where God needs me to be at this point in time. This enables me to enjoy His work in and through me in the present, and learn to live at His pace. One of the lessons God is continuing to teach me is that life in Him is not found in looking back and lamenting about what could have been or in looking forward and dreaming about what could be in the future. God is right here with me, right now and He longs for me to be with him right here in this present moment.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Meaningful Words (11/3/08)

In seeking to God’s vision and joy for my life, I have found the following poems helpful:

Lies & Truth
I'm feeling kinda vulnerable tonight
My mixed up emotions are bubbling through
What I know as truth seems so boring
And deception seems so exciting
Though I know the difference between them

Lord, will You be my strength?
When I don’t want to be strong?
Will You carry me along
When it all seems so far gone
Lord, will you help me fight
When it feels like the battle’s already been lost

To lie is sin and sin is death
In truth is life or so I’ve been told
Yet the lie looks so attractive
And the truth just seems so covered with dust
For a lie can look like the truth
Just as a wolf can don sheep’s clothing
But in truth it’s still a lie
Despite it’s appearance otherwise.
Yes, this must be a wolf in sheep’s clothing
And my resistance is low


I know my emotions can fool me
But, man, what I feel seems so real
You say tomorrow will be different
Yet today still has so much left to live
The devil he is so clever
And I am so naïve


And it all comes down to choice
Will I choose to live or die
Will I choose to believe the lie
Or embrace the truth that is Christ
To stand strong in His might
And know He is on my side
This, at least, I know is true
God is real and He cares for me.

Sometimes I feel like a modern-day Pharisee
My outside is all nice and shiny
But inside I’m greasy, grimy

They tell me I’m great, they tell me I’m wonderful
If only they knew the truth, they’d tell me that I’m really full

But I keep it all inside
There in the darkness is where I hide
There where no one else dares abide

Yet into my life You come, O Lord
You, to whom, all my life is as an open door

Away you brush the thin layers of my outer mask
For even the thickest of walls, for You, would not be much of a task.

Deeper and deeper you delve within
Past all the muck, past all the sin

You wash it all clean with Your water of life
Freeing me from all my hate and strife

Born Cracked
Born into the world a cracked vessel needing to be filled
The world she offers many things to fill it
Yet I always come back wanting more
Each thing feels right at first
But in time they all turn up lacking

Back in the garden we knew what it was to be filled
Back in the garden we knew what it was to be loved
Back in the garden we knew what it was to be accepted
Dear God why did we ever turn away from You the True Source

Cursed to walk this world abandoned, though we are never alone
You pursue us day and night yet still we run
Unable to turn, unable to be filled
Until by grace You extend the hand
And turn us around in Your Embrace

The cross makes this possible
The blood of Jesus fills our cracked vessel
His Blood seals the crack
In Him we are filled
In Him we are loved
In Him we are accepted

Though I know of His Love for me
Though I have soaked in the blood
Still my vessel leaks
Many are the times I know not filling
Many are the times I know not love
Many are the times I know not acceptance

Why is this the case?
Dear God, extend Your Hand
Dear God, send down Your Grace
Turn me around full in Your Embrace

It also occurs to me that tomorrow is Election Day and this has been quite a tumultuous and divisive campaigning time. As my prayer for unity among the saints, let me share one more poem with you. This one is based on an old hymn:

We Are One
For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
-Galatians 3:27-28

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord
We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord
And we pray that our unity would one day be restored
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love.

We, Your children, have suffered injustice
We, Your children look to you for justice
Yet when we look deeper we find ourselves perplexed
For we see within ourselves the perpetrator of this affront

You created each of us unique
And we have tried to be all the same

You made us black, white, red, yellow
And we have tried to be gray

We have denied the very nature of our being as the image of God
And embraced our sinful dust essence.

You created all of us equal
And we have made inequality the rule.

Forgive us, O Lord
We have sinned against You and against each other.
Enable us to forgive each other.
Unify us by the power of the blood of Your Son

May we be servants of Thy peace,
Sowing unity where there is division,
Sowing reconciliation where there is racism
Sowing love where there is hatred

We repent, Abba.
Have mercy on us.
Transform our hearts.
Make us the people You desire us to be
And may we be one in You.

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord
We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord
And we pray that our unity would one day be restored
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love.

All praise to the Father from Whom all things come,
And all praise to the Spirit Who makes us one,
And all praise to Christ Jesus His only Son,
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love

Sharing My Life (11/3/08): Seeking Joy

Yesterday I was reading in Ecclesiastes 9 and came to verse 7 which reads, “Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that God favors what you do.” This reminded me of how often I approach my life with God thinking of what I should and shouldn’t do instead of hearing what He is inviting me into. Jesus called his disciples into the abundant life (John 10:10) and that is the same life He is inviting us into today. God does not ask my obedience because He needs it or will punish me if I misbehave. He asks it because in following His way I am living life the way I was meant to. True joy is found not in having the most money, power or love, but in living fully the life God is calling me to. This is the joy I am seeking and trying to envision what it means to pursue. Your prayers continued to be appreciated.

Life Update (11/3/08): Seeking Vision

Wow, has it really already been three months since last I wrote you all? So much has happened in that time. The most major event was my folks month long visit with me. They came to see me and to also support me in my continued journey of recovery. Through working with each other and my counselor, we came to a much deeper understanding of each other and how we could help each other continue to develop.

In addition, my job has become a lot more demanding as of late. I have about ten clients these days with increasingly complex issues to work with. Try as I do to work with them to accomplish all that needs to get done, the stress is beginning to get to me. It doesn’t help that in most cases, my clients choose to talk to my supervisors about their problems, instead of me. Fortunately, my supervisors understand that I am doing my best and am continuing to learn how to work with each of my clients according to their needs and abilities. At times I wonder if this job really is a good fit for me.

Part of my recovery journey these days has been to try and envision what it means to live a healthy life in Christ and prayerfully talk with others and God about how I can enter into that kind of life. One part of that which I really struggle with is finding a job and career I can really feel fulfilled and utilized in. I would like to be in a position which uses most of my gifts and abilities and one in which I can really make an impact in people’s lives. Though I do feel this at times in my current position, there are also times when I prayerfully ask God, “ Is this what You would have me do, really?”

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Meaningful Words (9/4/08)

My recent experience with God was all about His love and acceptance of me, so this afternoon, I find myself drawn to poems that speak that same message:

Be Still
“Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
-Psalm 46:10

Be still, My child and know that you are loved.
Endless, limitless, eternal love is yours.
My Son paid the price and you are free to come.

Come and know Me
Come and know that you are loved.
Come with no expectations, for they will all be blown away.
Come with no preparations, the price has already been paid
Come with no restrictions for they are only self-imposed
Come desiring nothing, knowing you will receive all that is of true worth.

I am the One Who has loved you since before time began
As you were formed within your mother’s womb
I knew you and called you My chosen one
You are My child and I love you.

The Father:
I have already forgiven your sin.
Why do you bring it before Me again?

I have already washed you clean.
Why do you insist on playing in the dirt?

Accept My forgiveness.
Receive My cleansing.

Why do you cling to that which I have already released you from?
Why do you remain in the dungeon?
The chains have already been broken and the key thrown away.

The gates of iron have been flung wide open
And yet still you cower in this cage of your own making

The light has been shown forth
Yet you prefer the darkness

What more can I do for you, My child?

How else can I bid you come?
The table has already been set and the dinner bell is ringing
Is it possible you have not heard Me calling?

Answer Me and I will give you the desires of your heart.
I am your Father and have always been faithful.
Is this not the truth?
Listen to your heart, My child.
You know Who I am.
You have always known.

His Child:
Come unto me, O Desire of my heart!
Beckon me unto Your Feast, O Satisfier of my deepest hunger!
Dance with Me, O Romancer of my soul!
Set me beside the still waters, O Author of my peace!
Run with me, O my Ever True Companion
Guide my steps, O Victorious Winner of the race set before me!

You Who began this good work in me,
You are my Faithful Father
And You will finish what You have started!
Yes, You will finish what you have started!

Into the Woods
I saw you when you ran into the woods,
For I was there with you,
I was the One you were running away from,
Yet I was the One you were running to,
Which was I to you?
Which were you to Me?

How I long for you to cling to Me as you used to,
To feel your heart beat with mine,
To share your thoughts and know your mind,
Yet you have drifted far away and are ever still running,
Farther and farther you roam,
It seems almost as if you are at home,
There in the wilderness,
Off in the distance.

Come home to Me, My love,
The journey is really not that long,
If you would but turn around,
Lift up your eyes and see,
There you would find me,
My gentle hands will wipe away your every tear,
The blood from My wounds will cleanse your every sin.

Cleansing and reaching ever deeper within,
Bring your broken hearts and shattered dreams
Lay them at My nail-pierced feet
For when you cried, I cried with you,
When you ran, I was there at your side,
When you hid there in the dark,
I was there as well.

I am with you always,
Not as a presence to be feared
But as One who knows you through and through,
One who has seen you at your worst and at your best
I know you, I love you, and I am for you.

As I sit back in my chair, I can still feel the embrace of God's loving arms around me, inviting me to rest in Him. In closing this month, I can feel God inviting each of you also to rest in His love. This is a hectic, busy world we live in today and we need all the love and rest we can get.

Sharing My Life (9/4/08) : Resting in God's Love and Acceptance

The past few weeks have really been busy ones in both my personal; and professional life. There was the move, all the packing and unpacking that went into that, working on housing with some of my clients, working through scheduling changes and conflicts with them, gaining new clients, the list goes on. In the midst of all that, I had a growing sense of how busy my life was becoming; not just with all the clients I have, but with all the other things I'm involved with as well: recovery work, character work with my Focus of the Warrior Group, church involvement with multiple congregations, that list could probably go on as well. I could feel all these things seeking to speak into my life, yet not all were speaking life into me. This was brought into clearer light by John's Eldrige's latest book, Walking with God. I just started listening to it on CD a few days ago and have really felt God using it powerfully in my heart life.

Yesterday I felt God really speaking to me about how I let others have a say in my life and at the same time how I resent them when they try to control it, or rather when I sense that they are trying to control it.That night as I was heading home after a long day at work and in life, I felt God inviting me to take time tonight and let Him minister to me in His Word. I had been so busy the past couple days, I had totally skipped over my usually morning devotional time. Anyway, I got home, sat down and read Psalms 103 & 139. As I had been praying during the ride back, those were the passages that kept coming to mind.

Reading through them I was drawn to Psalm 103: 8 " The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love." and Palm 139: 1-5,

"O Lord, you have examined my heart
and know everything about me.
You know when I sit down or stand up.
You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
You see me when I travel
and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
You know what I am going to say
even before I say it, Lord.
You go before me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head."

Through those two passages, I felt God showing me how deeply known and loved I am, and inviting me to trust in that love and knowledge. I thanked the Lord for that revelation and asked Him to continually remind me of that truth. I also ask each you to do so as well, as you feel led. Remind me again and again how deeply and intimately I and known and loved. For it is something I know I will forget amidst the hustle and bustle of my life and something our enemy, Satan, does not want me to remember. Thank you for letting me share that with you.

Life Update (9/4/08) : Busy Bee

Wow, I can't believe two months has already gone by since I last wrote you all. So much has been happening. My client load continues to increase in number and complexity, I lose a client or two, but others quickly move in to take their place. Sometimes I feel greatly reminded of that old saying, "I know God will only give me as much as I can handle (John 16:12, 1 Corinthians 10:14), but I do wish He didn't trust me as much as He does." I also know that many times when we feel our own load growing heavy, it is an invitation from God to share that load with others. As often as I can, I do work with others to help my clients. Sometimes I even find myself feeling envious of my clients in how much help they have available, and this, at times, opens my eyes to see the help that is there for myself.

In addition to working with my clients, I have also had to move once more. I was having some trouble with a few of my housemates and found that the best way to resolve the situation was to move out. Fortunately, a friend of mine was willing to let me move into the lower half of his town home up in Maple Grove, MN. My phone number and email moved with me, so they are still the same. My new address is 13685 74th Avenue North, Maple Grove, MN 55311. My Landlord there has a male Wippet dog named Pipper, who has graciously invited me into his house.

Also, for those of you who don't know, this month I turn 33. My birthday is Friday, September 12th and I will be hosting a party at my new digs from 7-10 pm that night. All who can are cordially invited to come. Presents and cards are always welcome, but never required. Your presence whether in thought or in body is always more important to me than any present you might give.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Meaningful Words (6/2/08)

As work to live honestly and peaceably with those around me, I find myself thinking of a few poems:

Into the Woods
I saw you when you ran into the woods,
For I was there with you,
I was the One you were running away from,
Yet I was the One you were running to,
Which was I to you?
Which were you to Me?

How I long for you to cling to Me as you used to,
To feel your heart beat with mine,
To share your thoughts and know your mind,
Yet you have drifted far away and are ever still running,
Farther and farther you roam,
It seems almost as if you are at home,
There in the wilderness,
Off in the distance.

Come home to Me, My love,
The journey is really not that long,
If you would but turn around,
Lift up your eyes and see,
There you would find me,
My gentle hands will wipe away your every tear,
The blood from My wounds will cleanse your every sin.

Cleansing and reaching ever deeper within,
Bring your broken hearts and shattered dreams
Lay them at My nail-pierced feet
For when you cried, I cried with you,
When you ran, I was there at your side,
When you hid there in the dark,
I was there as well.

I am with you always,
Not as a presence to be feared
But as One who knows you through and through,
One who has seen you at your worst and at your best
I know you, I love you, and I am for you.

You Desire?
The jailer called for lights, rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and Silas. He then brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved —you and your household.”
-Acts 16:29-31

Just believe and you will be saved.
Yet even the demons believe in Christ and they certainly will not be saved
So what is it that You require?
What is it that you desire?
A heart undivided full of fire?
Will that be enough to inspire?

No, my spirit says, You want more
More than a life filled with good works
More than all the money I can earn
More than my first born son
So much more than I can ever give
And yet the answer is simple

You do not want my heart
You do not want my works
You do not want my family
All you really want is me
All of me

You go to church every Sunday
Don the suit, don the mask, don the act
You sing the songs and listen to the sermon
But deep down you know it’s all a lie

Life continues on, you play the game every day
Load the bullet in the gun, and pray the chamber’s empty
Every time it gets easier,
Every time you loose a bit of yourself
Hiding the truth from all those you love
But there’s One who always knows

You think you’re doing them a favor
But you’re hurting them beyond repair
Acting like a Christian when you don’t even care

You’ve got the M. Div.
You’ve got the preacher’s touch
You even have your own church
Everyone thinks you’re the best
But you’ll never pass the final test.

Why do you continue on this blessing filled path to hell?
Still you play the sheep, when you know you’re a wolf
Do you think you can hide forever?

I pray that one day you’ll see the truth
That all those things you fake can be yours in real life
‘Cause there’s a God out there who knows you for all you are
And He longs for you to come home to Him at last

Thank you again, one and all, for taking the time to read through these meandering thoughts I call my musings. It is my prayer that God has spoken to you through them, drawn you closer to Him and through them has formed you more and more into the likeness of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. That is my continuing prayer for you and I hope you will pray the same for me as well. Thank you again. I hope you are all well.

Sharing My Life (6/2/08): Taking Responsibility Honestly

One of the main things I am learning on this road of recovery is that it is really important to take responsibility for my actions, both good and bad, and to be as honest as I can about it. I think this is part of what Paul means when He exhorts the believers in Rome to “live at peace with everyone. (Romans 12:18)” For instance, a few months ago, I was removing a clean coffee cup from the dishwasher and it slipped from my hands and broke on the floor. I now had a couple options: 1) to clean up the mess and hope nobody noticed or 2) to clean up the mess, replace the cup and leave a note indicating such to the rest of the guys in the house. I chose the later and got the new cup later on that day. When I returned, my landlord commented saying that I really didn’t need to have bought a new cup. I thanked him for his comments and indicated I had already bought one. Looking back on the situation, though, I can see it really wasn’t about needing to buy a new cup or not. It was about taking responsibility for my actions and owning up to my mistakes.

This also applies to my work situation. I have often found my supervisors handle my mistakes a lot better when I come to them first and explain what happened honestly, then when they find out after the fact and I have to own up to it then. Of course some supervisors are more willing to work with my imperfections than others, but over all, I have found being honest and taking responsibility works out better than trying to appear perfect or better than I really am.

Life Update (6/2/08): Growing Responsibilities

My client load as an Independent Living Skills (ILS) Worker continues to increase. I now have eight clients and am looking at possibly adding on two more. However, with the rise of my ILS hours comes the decrease of my Personal Care Attendant (PCA) hours and I’m not sure whether or not a full-time ILS position is in the works for me. I will continue to talk with my supervisors and hopefully will be able to work towards it becoming reality in the near future.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Meaningful Words (5/4/08)

As I have found myself struggling to balance my life in this world and God’s, I have been reminded of a few of my poems:

Lies & Truth
I'm feeling kinda venerable tonight
My mixed up emotions are bubbling through
What I know as truth seems so boring
And deception seems so exciting
Though I know the difference between them

Lord, will You be my strength?
When I don’t want to be strong?
Will You carry me along
When it all seems so far gone
Lord, will you help me fight
When it feels like the battle’s already been lost

To lie is sin and sin is death
In truth is life or so I’ve been told
Yet the lie looks so attractive
And the truth just seems so covered with dust
For a lie can look like the truth
Just as a wolf can don sheep’s clothing
But in truth it’s still a lie
Despite it’s appearance otherwise.
Yes, this must be a wolf in sheep’s clothing
And my resistance is low


I know my emotions can fool me
But, man, what I feel seems so real
You say tomorrow will be different
Yet today still has so much left to live
The devil he is so clever
And I am so naïve


And it all comes down to choice
Will I choose to live or die
Will I choose to believe the lie
Or embrace the truth that is Christ
To stand strong in His might
And know He is on my side
This, at least, I know is true
God is real and He cares for me.

The Inner War
I woke up this morning and there you were in my face
The mirror your eyes, my soul your home
My worst enemy, my best friend
Everything I used to be, everything I might be again

Come back into the dark you whisper
But I’m yearning and fighting for the light
It’s so much easier and more comfortable there

Yet I know here is where I must remain

Hide yourself, it’s so much safer
No, I must be true to the world
I cannot don the mask of security
Cannot fake the act of sincerity
When everything I do and say is just a lie

Truth is more powerful than lie
And more powerful still when backed up by life
I know the life I should live
And I pray one day
It will be the life I do live

There is a White
There is a white for this black of ours.
It will show itself in its hour,
But we who hold it in our hearts,
No ray of dark can penetrate our parts.

But what of this light?
What use is it, if it cannot shine bright!
Too often we turn away its source.
We take out our swords,
Made by the hand of Satan,
And slash it into oblivion.

But this light cannot die.
It cannot be swept away.
There are those who have claimed it
And the light lives on in them.

The light has a place in all of our hearts.
Every single one must play its part.
Through them this world will change.
Through them it will exchange
Its darkness for the EVERLASTING LIGHT!


Well, that is it for this month. Thank you, one and all, for taking the time to read through these wondering thoughts I call my musings. It is my prayer that God has spoken to you through them, drawn you closer to Him and through them has formed you more and more into the likeness of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. That is my continuing prayer for you and I hope you will pray the same for me as well. Thank you again. I hope you are all well.

Sharing My Life (5/4/08): Kingdom of God versus Kingdom of Humanity

As my work life increases, I find myself having to re-learn how to find balance in my life. Reflecting on that has lead to a lot of thinking along the lines of how the values of this world differ from that of our home world, heaven. For a long time I was concerned with finding the perfect wife, career, raising a family and settling down. I thought that was God’s will for my life. Yet increasingly these days I am beginning to realize that God is more interested in forming my character than in helping me find the perfect career. It is true that God wants me to find a good wife and have a satisfying job, but not for the same reasons as I and the world might think. I am finding that God is not so much concerned about my finding the job of my dreams as God is that whatever I am doing I am being formed into the likeness of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. The same is true with every other area of my life. It is not about finding the perfect wife, it is about finding one with whom I can grow closer to God and help her to grow closer as well. If that means settling for being an ILS worker for the rest of my life, so be it. The world might look at that and call me foolish, but they have been wrong before (1Corinthians 1:20).

Life Update (5/4/08): Responsibilities on the rise

These days I find my client load as an Independent Living Skills (ILS) Worker with Accessible Space, Inc. increasing. By the end of this week I will have seven clients, averaging at about three hours each per week. I have had to drop one of my Personal Care Attendant shifts, but all in all it’s turning more and more into full-time employment, though I don’t yet have full-time benefits. Hopefully that will come with time. In the interim, I do enjoy the clients I’m working with in both positions and am having a good time working with them. Just in case you are curious, as an ILS Worker, I help my clients with things like finding a job, filling out applications, balancing their checkbooks and anything else and other such things that help them live independently. I do find myself liking it better than my work as a PCA and it does pay more as well, though the hours aren’t always concrete and reliable.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Meaningful Words (3/29/08)

I also find myself reminded of a couple of my poems:

The Father:
I have already forgiven your sin.
Why do you bring it before Me again?
I have already washed you clean.
Why do you insist on playing in the dirt?
Accept My forgiveness.
Receive My cleansing.
Why do you cling to that which I have already released you from?
Why do you remain in the dungeon?
The chains have already been broken and the key thrown away.
The gates of iron have been flung wide open
And yet still you cower in this cage of your own making
The light has been shown forth
Yet you prefer the darkness
What more can I do for you, My child?
How else can I bid you come?
The table has already been set and the dinner bell is ringing
Is it possible you have not heard Me calling?
Answer Me and I will give you the desires of your heart.
I am your Father and have always been faithful.
Is this not the truth?
Listen to your heart, My child.
You know Who I am.
You have always known.

His Child:
Come unto me, O Desire of my heart!
Beckon me unto Your Feast, O Satisfier of my deepest hunger!
Dance with Me, O Romancer of my soul!
Set me beside the still waters, O Author of my peace!
Run with me, O my Ever True Companion
Guide my steps, O Victorious Winner of the race set before me!
You Who began this good work in me,
You are my Faithful Father
And You will finish what You have started!
Yes, You will finish what you have started!
Let Go
The Father:
I invite you, My child, to let go.
Let go of your need to worry,
for it really does you no good.
Let go of your need to control,
for you really have none.
Let go of your need for a plan,
for I am all you really ever need!
I invite you, My child, to let Me in.
Let Me into your concerns,
for I can bear your load.
Let Me into your life,
for I do know what I am doing.
Let Me into your heart,
for I am the One you were created for.
I invite you, My child,
to know the truth.
Know that I care for you and I will see to your needs.
Know that I am taking care of them even now.
Know that I am Your Faithful Father.
His Child:
Lord, help me to trust when I don’t want to trust
Lord, help me to love when I don’t want to love
Lord, help to give, when I don’t want to give
To give my life to You.
For You, O Lord, are the Lover of my soul
And You, O Lord, are faithful
Yes, You O Lord, will watch over me
And care for me better than I ever could.

Thank you each and all so much for all your continued prayers, patience, support and encouragement as I continue work through this transitional period in my life. My prayer for each of you is the same one I mentioned earlier: "I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 1:3-6).

Sharing My Life (3/29/08): Take things as they come

Some of you know I have begun to take a recovery approach to working through my personal issues, as well as to my life as a whole. One of the things God is continually teaching me as I take this approach is to take things as they come. Living life moment by moment and day by day is helping me to worry less and trust more. In the past, I have expended much energy on trying to figure out where God is leading me and to get there as soon as possible. Yet, now I am finding, things come and go much smoother if let go of my need to control and take hold of God’s guidance for this moment and day. I often find my increasing one on one work as an ILS worker to be quite challenging, yet at the same time I feel a peace about the challenge, knowing that it is God Who brought this challenge into my life, that He has given me all the experience and knowledge I need to complete the tasks before me and that He will be with me all the way through them.

It all kind of reminds me of Jesus when He encourages His followers "do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" (Matthew 6:34) and the wise words of Paul the apostle, when he affirmed the members of the church in Philippi "that He Who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." I can feel God’s words in these passages coming true in my life as I work to follow Him more closely each day. Funny, that reminds me of a song from one of my favorite musicals Godspell: Day by day, day by day, O dear Lord, three things I pray, to see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more dearly day by day . . ."

Lfe Update (3/29/08) Still taking things slow

I apologize for the long delay in writing you all. Though I continue to work at keeping things simple and easy, life, I have found, works equally hard to keep it all complicated. Currently, I am still living at 619 19th Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418 and working for Accessible Space Incorporated as both a Resident Assistant (RA) and an Independent Living Skills (ILS) worker. Although recently, my ILS work is increasing and my RA work is decreasing. That means my work is becoming much more challenging, as ILS work requires working individually with each client and their case works to access what tasks and goals they would like me to help them out with, working with them through those tasks and goals and continually re-assessing their needs and desires all along the way. Lately, I’ve really been thinking about going into counseling, so I do see this one-on-one work as good preparation.

I also just recently came back from going on a Spring Break trip down to New Orleans, LA with Christian Student Fellowship to help them out with some Katrina relief work there. It was a great time of bonding and serving. I continue to be amazed and encouraged by the enthusiasm, character and desire to grow and serve of these young people. Being with them often makes me want to re-visit my own college days and wishfully wonder what would have happened if I had done certain things differently, yet I know, for better and worse, I am who I am today due to the choices I made back then and throughout my life. I also took plenty of pictures which I will be sharing on Facebook once I work through some technical difficulties I’m having with my network filter.