Sunday, October 04, 2009

Meaningful Words (10/04/09)

So, what story(ies) are you living in? Is it leading to the conclusion that you want?  Really? Poems, like stories, can bring to light the truths laid deep in our hearts. Here are a few that speak to me of good things to be a part of: 

Homeless Kids
Their eyes stare at you with sadness,
As they look at you through their half-priced glasses.
How can you say she’s a nuisance?
How can you say he doesn’t exist?
What is this mess?
Is there distress?

Who can wash the tears from their eyes?
Listen to their good-byes?
He can, He can
Yes, Jesus can.

Who am I?
Did He really have to die?
For me, to live?
Am I worth the blood?
Am I worth the pain?

I look up to Heaven for an answer.
And He turns to me.
And says:
“My child, you’re worth it all!”

This Cross
I wear this cross around my neck to remind me
To remind me that I am no longer my own
To remind me that I have been bought with a price
To remind me that 2,000 years ago He died in my place
He took the blame that should have been mine
He took the pain that should have been mine
Every bad thought that goes through my head
Every terrible deed that I take part in
Every sin that I commit
Was summed up in those six hours He spent dying on this cross.

This cross reminds me that I have a Savior
No longer must I go it alone
This cross reminds me that I have a Father
No longer must I be a prodigal son
This cross reminds me that I have a family
No longer am I the only one

This cross reminds me of a Man who cared.
He cared for the homeless
He cared for the lonely
He cared for the brokenhearted
He cared for those without a heart
He cared for those society tears apart
He cared for sinners like you and me
He cared for everyone that we do and do not see.
He cared and He still cares

This cross stands for grace
Of greater worth than any gold
This cross stands for mercy
Enough to cover the greatest of sinners a hundred times over
This cross stands for strength
His made perfect in our weakness
This cross stands for power
An immeasurable amount to awesome to even comprehend
This cross stands for love
Unlike any ever imagined or seen
This cross stands for compassion
To receive back a wayward soul that cost Him His own life.
This cross stands for Jesus, my Savior and my Lord!

My friends, it has been good to share with you once more! Thank you for staying with me thus far. Feel free to reply back to this message with comments, news and prayers of your own. It is always good to hear from my brothers and sisters in Christ and from each of you. May God continue to shower His many blessings upon you!

Sharing My Life (10/04/09): Our Story

A few weeks ago, the pastors at Open Door started a new sermon series based on Paul’s letter to the church in Colossi. As is the habit at this church, they are still working through the first few verses and have been spending much time talking about what it means to be “in Christ.” Part of their emphasis which stood out to me was that to be “in Christ” means to be a part of His story. 

Last night I was watching Australia with Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman and found this theme of being in a story woven into that film. One of the main characters was a child by the name of Nullah. He was a child born of a native mother and a white father, and was not really accepted by either society. Nullah and others like him were called the Stolen Generation. Being neither native or white, he had no shared story to be a part of. Fortunately, his grandfather, an Aboriginal medicine man was willing to take him under his wing and bring him into that story. 

So comes the question, what story am I living in? What story are you living in? Are we living in the great American story of success and power? Are we living in the stories of our families, handed down to us by our parents and their parents? Are we living in the story of our local community, be it church, school, business or other? This is not meant as a criticism or judgment. I too find myself living within certain stories. I raise the issue only to heighten our awareness. 

Christ also offers a story to live in. As I mentioned before, part of being in Christ is being part of His story. The story is of God creating a people to love, a people that turn their backs to Him many times. Christ’s is a story of God giving us His law that we might come to know Him and then sending His own Son to embody that law among us. His is a story of a God Who loved His people so much, He sacrificed His own Son to bring us back to Him. This is the story that Jesus Christ invites us to be a part of!

Maybe you are now aware of the stories you are part of in your life. Some of them are healthy ones; some are not. We can choose which stories we will live in. Maybe you know of someone who, like Nullah, is without a story to call their own.  Perhaps you can be the one to adopt them into yours or even invite them into Christ’s. His arms are always open to gather in another lost sheep.

Life Update (10/04/09): Back to School Again

Fall has come to Minnesota. Gone are the long summer days filled with warm weather and outdoor fun. Winter has not come yet, but for now the temperatures are staying below 60 and I just finished packing away my shorts and T-shirts. This month also marks the start of a new quarter at Capella. This time I will be taking two courses: Ethnicity & Diversity and Theories of Personality. My work as a PCA continues to increase as my supervisors have yet to lift the prohibition on my driving with clients. Last I heard, it could be anywhere from 6 months to a year before I get that privilege back. In addition, I am volunteering through Open Door as a tutor for students at CityView, a Minneapolis public K-8th grade school that they have been in relationship with for a while. As you can see, it is going to be a busy season for me. Prayers are always appreciated.