Sunday, April 25, 2010

Meaningful Words (04/25/10)

            Simple faith and loving friendship are what I have written about thus far in this newsletter. There are a few poems of mine that speak to those themes and here they are:

Christ in you, Christ in me
This is what it means to be a true community
Christ in you, Christ in me
This is what God desires, His earthly Trinity

Your heart beating next to mine,
My heart beating next to yours
And at the center, there is God
In our midst

Christ in you, Christ in me
This is what it means to be a true community
Christ in you, Christ in me
This is what God desires, His earthly Trinity

For there are loads we cannot carry alone
Never were meant to be on our own
But side by side,
Let me carry you,
And when I’m tired
You’ll carry me too.
And we can’t carry on
That’s when we’ll look to God
And find He’s been with us all along

Christ in you, Christ in me
This is what it means to be a true community
Christ in you, Christ in me
This is what God desires, His earthly Trinity

This road of life is long and narrow
With much toil and real sorrow
Yet hold to me,
As I hold to you,
And we will grow in His embrace

LoungeDivine (Unfinished)
Friends to be real with
Children to enjoy
A place to watch movies
And to think of spiritual things
A place to explore God and His People
Free from expectation or
Fear of reproach
A place of understanding
A place of growth
A place where the bones of my doubt
Can be enfleshed with renewed faith
A place of love
A place of acceptance
A place to be honest about my life with God
And know I will be encouraged in His Strength

The Truth
You know the truth,
It’s been in you,
Since time began.

You just did not see,
What really could be.

Look inside you,
Deep inside,
Look to your heart.
Then He will guide you.
To the truth.
What is life?
Is it love?
or something different.
Must we look,
All our lives,
Just for true life?

Or is it simple?
Standing right before us,
With it’s arms outstretched.
Can it really be that simple?
Yes, it is!!

            Once more I come to the end of this newsletter feeling I have shared a lot and thankful for you who have read this far and continue to follow God with me on this journey we walk together. Even though we are miles apart, when we pray to God and share with Him our hearts, He draws us closer to each other as He draws us close to Him. Take time to enjoy fellowship with those you love this week. It is within that love that we get a glimpse of God, and this side of His Kingdom, that is the best picture we have!            

Sharing My Life (04/25/10): Starting Small

            Last Friday I watched The Blindside with Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw.  It is a really good movie to watch as a family and tells the true story of a suburban mother forming a mutually beneficial friendship with an inner-city youth, which culminates in him becoming a pro-football player. There were many powerful and touching aspects of the movie and the one that really spoke to me was how the relationship between mother and the inner city young man grew.  

            Leigh Anne Tuohy, played by Sandra Bullock, did not start out with the intent to start a movement or ministry; she just saw a need, had the desire to help and followed her heart. Even though she had no idea where it would go or what would come next, she stepped out in faith. Yes, many of the main characters in the film are Christian, though I think its message is pretty universal. It was not her original intention to bring Michael Oher, the young man, into her home, help him become a better student and man, and motivate him to go to college and then to the NFL; that all came into the picture gradually. I think if she had gone into it all with that motivation from the get go, she would not have made the same impact.

            In my experience, our walk with God works much the same way. We have no idea where it is all headed or who we will ultimately become in the end. Perhaps it is better that way. I once asked God to show me the plan He had for my life. In reply, He said, “If I showed you the way, you would simply follow the path. Instead, I have chosen to show Myself to you and ask you to follow Me.” Do not get the wrong idea, that was one of the few times He has ever spoken to me that clearly ;-)

            I do believe God has a plan and is constantly at work in our lives brining it into fulfillment.  We are not meant to know it all beforehand. I am not even sure I could comprehend it all if I did. Instead, God moves in our hearts like He moved in Leigh’s heart.  He shows us a need, gives us a desire in our heart and asks us to step out in faith.

            One way I have seen this work out in my own life is with a family I have grown close to.  I first met them back when I was living in Saint Cloud, working at the VA there and attending 2:42 Church. They had recently left a very legalistic church and had come to 2:42 in search of healing fellowship. As time progressed, I befriended them and was able to help them through their healing, especially as 2:42 broke up. Even when I moved back to the Cities to pursue work as a chaplain, I still kept in contact with them. Recently, the father of the family fell and broke his ankle.  The past few weekends, as studies allowed, I went up to St. Cloud and visited with them. I talked with the parents and played with the children. It was a great time for all. As I was with them and even now I can feel the warmth of family, love and fellowship. That is what relationships in God’s kingdom are all about.

            We do not have to be strategic in all that we do for God or have everything all planned out from the beginning. All He asks from us is the simple faith it takes to see a need, listen to the desires of our heart and follow Him. The rest will become clear in time, as we need to know and can handle it. Even now, God may be speaking to you, showing you a need, tugging at a desire in your heart and simply saying, “Follow Me!”

Life Update (04/25/10): Making Progress

This past Wednesday I finished my first semester at Argosy University. So far, I’m pretty sure I got A’s in all my classes. Summer classes begin on May 10th.  I am hoping to finish all my coursework in 3 years and then work on my Applied Clinical Project for another year or so. There are a couple internships in there as well. I have cut down on my work with Accessible Space, Inc., with the help of my folks, to help me be as efficient as I can be in my studies. So far, so good.             

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Peter Undone

Peter Undone
            This morning I was listening to Dave Christian and Pamela Lundell on KTIS Radio talking about foot washing. It is Maundy Thursday, a day set aside to remember Jesus’ Last Supper with His disciples. Some churches hold Foot Washing services every year around this time, where the church leaders wash the feet of their parishioners. They do this to remind them of when Jesus washed His disciples’ feet before the meal in John 13. Dave recounted his experience in both washing the feet of others and having his own washed; Pam then remarked that the thought of having her feet washed by someone made her uncomfortable. It was not the physical act that gave her discomfort, but the message conveyed in the action. To wash someone’s feet is an act of submission towards that person. In Jesus’ day, this was a duty reserved only for the servants of the household. People walked around all day in the sand and dusty roads with their sandals on their feet; no fancy hiking boots or running shoes, just simple leather sandals. That meant their feet got plenty dirty, so when they entered someone’s house as a guest, the master of the house would have his servant wash their feet, to keep from getting his floor and house dirty. Pam was saying that she was uncomfortable being served.
            As she and Dave where talking about this, I heard and was reminded of Peter’s reaction to having his feet washed by Jesus. Sometimes we look down on Peter for his initial unwillingness to have Jesus wash his feet. Yet I think there’s something deeper going on here. When Jesus took the servant’s role and started washing His disciple’s feet, this took Peter by surprise and he felt uncomfortable. Like Pam, he was uneasy with the idea of Jesus submitting to him in this manner. Here was the Man Who had healed Peter’s mother (Matthew 8:14-15), the One who Peter saw calm the storms (Matthew 8:23-27) and walk on the water (Matthew 14:22-36). Peter had seen Jesus speaking with Moses and Elijah, and then both disappeared and Jesus was standing there alone, as if to say, in Jesus the Law of Moses and the Prophets, like Elijah, live side by side (Matthew 17:1-13). Maybe Peter was reminded of when Jesus said that He had come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 5:17) and that His commands to love God and love each other encompassed all the Laws and the Prophets (Matthew 22:34-39). Peter had seen Jesus do many amazing things and believed that He was the Messiah, the Son of the Living God (Matthew 16:16). This was the Man Who was washing His disciple’s feet and now coming to submit to Peter in this fashion.
            It was all too much for Peter. Once more Jesus undid him. This was not the first time this happened, nor would it be the last. All the other times Peter had seen Jesus in action, he was amazed and undone. Jesus left him dumbfounded. Peter could not figure Jesus out. There was no category of understanding that encapsulated Jesus in Peter’s mind, heart and experience. Jesus was like no other person Peter had ever met or befriended.
            Nowhere is this more expressed than when Jesus forgives Peter in John 21.  After hearing and seeing that Jesus was raised from the dead. Peter and a few of the other disciples had gone back out onto the lake to fish.  Perhaps they were still trying to comprehend all that had happened over the weekend and throughout that week. Their Lord and Master had been crucified on Friday (John 19) and had risen from the dead on Saturday (John 20). He had appeared to Mary Magdalene, Thomas and the rest of His disciples. When He had appeared to Thomas, the disciples were gathered in a room with every door locked and Jesus appeared out of nowhere (John 20:24-29). Peter and the other disciples were still trying to get over all their shock. They had gone back to the only thing they knew made sense. When Jesus had found them in the beginning, they were fishermen and it was still what they knew best.
            So, here comes Jesus. Peter and the disciples with him were out on the water, probably a long way off from shore. They hear someone on the shore yell, “Have you caught any fish?” Despite all their efforts throughout the night, Peter and the other disciples had not caught a single fish, not even a small Minnow. Here comes this stranger, maybe they even thought him a bit of a jerk, asking them what probably felt like the stupidest question that could ever be asked. In consternation they reply back, “No.” Perhaps there was even a bit of sarcasm in their voices. “Try casting your nets on the other side,” Jesus said. “Oh, of course,” they probably thought. “That’s our problem. We were fishing on the other side. Still feeling a bit perturbed, they follow His suggestion and cast their nets on the other side of the boat. The results amaze them. They catch so many fish in that one casting that they are unable to haul in the huge load. Perhaps they are reminded of another time when they followed the fishing advice of a stranger and the result was a catch to large for their nets to even contain (Luke 5:1-11). That was back when they first met Jesus. That must have been why Peter ran to shore, leaving the rest of the disciples to gather the fish and bring the boat ashore. Jesus already had some fish cooking on the fire and asked the disciples to bring some of the ones they had caught. Then Jesus broke the fish and some bread He had brought with Him and distributed it among the disciples. Maybe that reminded them of the times Jesus had multiplied the fish and the loaves before (Matthew 15:29-39, John 6:1-15).
            After the small meal, Jesus took Peter aside and had a meaningful conversation with him. Among the things Peter was trying to sort out was his own betrayal of Jesus, especially since earlier that very evening Jesus had foretold that Peter would betray Him and despite Peter’s earnest assertion that such would never happen, Jesus pushed the point even further, saying that before the rooster crowed, and morning broke, Peter would deny three times that he even knows Jesus (Matthew 26:31-35). This had indeed happened and at the very moment it did Peter’s eyes met Jesus’ and he broke down in sorrow, weeping (Luke 22:60-62). When Jesus takes Peter aside, he is probably still trying to figure all this out. Peter’s own grief over his Master’s death was mixed with his sorrow at having betrayed Him. Even though Peter’s Lord is now raised from the dead and has appeared a number of times, Peter’s heart is still clouded with grief and regret. It is precisely into this uncertainty that Jesus speaks.
            He asks Peter, “Simon, son of John, Do you truly love me more than these.” Jesus was calling Peter by the name he had before Jesus had renamed him (John 1:42). This had happened before when Peter had fallen asleep in the garden of Gethsemane, after Jesus had asked him to stay awake (Mark 14:37). Maybe Peter thought Jesus was calling him by his former name to get his attention. Indeed, such was probably was the case.  Peter replied, “Yes, Lord, You know that I love you.” Jesus replies, “Feed My sheep.” Then Jesus asked him once again, “Simon, son of John, do you truly love Me?” Peter again assured Jesus that he does love Him and Jesus replies, “Take care of My sheep.” Not swayed, Jesus asks Peter a third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me.” Peter is disappointed and hurt by this second asking of the same question; his reply is an even stronger assertion and assurance: “Lord, You know all things, You know that I love you.” Jesus replies again, “Feed My sheep.” He then goes on to tell Peter about his future death and asks him once more to “follow Me.”
            I am not sure Peter fully understood what Jesus had just done at that moment. When Jesus is done speaking, Peter turns and upon seeing John, the disciple Jesus love, asks Jesus about him. Though this incident is not spoken of in either Acts nor in any of Peter’s epistles, I am sure that it was foundational in Peter’s life and ministry. Another time Jesus called Peter Simon was when He predicted Peter’s betrayal. He told Peter, “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22:31-32). When Jesus said this to Peter, I believe He was speaking of Peter’s betrayal. Jesus knew that, if left to his own devices, Peter might have followed right after Judas and killed himself when he realized he had betrayed his Lord and Master the very night Jesus needed him to be strong. Jesus knew Peter would betray Him and knew that Peter would be terribly saddened by this. Peter’s inevitable betrayal and sadness was not what Jesus meant He said He was praying that Peter’s faith would not fail. Jesus wanted Peter to live through this, to persevere through his sorrow and grief and live to see the hope that was to come. Upon seeing this hope fulfilled, Jesus knew Peter would be strengthened in his faith and would have enough strength even to turn and strengthen his brothers and sisters in Christ. When Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him, and hearing Peter’s replies asked him to feed and take care of His sheep, Jesus was giving Peter a living sign of His forgiveness for Peter’s threefold betrayal and reinstating him as the leader of Jesus’ early church.