Sunday, December 07, 2008

Sharing My Life (12/7/08): Never Alone

Another really encouraging thing God has been teaching me lately is that we are never really alone. Jesus’ last words to His disciples were, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20b). God was, is and will always be with us. His love, peace and grace are always available to us. The problem is that we are often too preoccupied with our own attachments to notice His presence with us.

Yet there is more to this. One of the most powerful ways I have experienced God’s presence with me is through His people. When we receive God’s Holy Spirit within us, we are receiving His Presence within us. When we reach out in love, God is reaching out in love in and with us. When God calls us to serve Him, He gives us the power to do whatever He calls us to. I don’t know about you, but I have often found myself way over my head in my life with God. Does this mean I have left His will? No, I have found there are many times where God calls us specifically into situations He knows are beyond us because He wants us to learn to depend on Him. God never meant us to try and live this life on our own. We were always meant to find and live life within our relationship with Him.

This also means that God is with us even in the midst of our struggling and suffering. Whether the situation we find ourselves in is of our own making or the result of outside forces does not change the fact that God is still with us. Though, admittedly there are times when we may not want to acknowledge His presence. As ministers of God’s love, peace and grace, this also means that we are called to minister to all people, no matter who they are or what they’ve done. Regardless of how I may feel about a certain person or situation, God is still calling me to reach out in love. In that way, God can be present to that person and within that situation in and through us. I believe it is God’s hope and dream that not only will all His children realize His love for them, but that they will see and feel it through the loving presence of His people among them. God is calling and empowering us to be His ministers of love throughout the world. The question is will we hear Him.

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