Monday, December 04, 2006

Holistic Evangelism

As in the V.A., here at St. John’s, I have found in many ways I am re-learning not only how to share my faith but also how to grow in it. As some of you know, proselytizing or "aggressive evangelism" is not allowed within my role as chaplain. In fact, in action it is called "religious harassment" and goes right up there with "sexual", "racial", and all other kinds of "harassment." Some might see this policy as an affront to the Evangelical Christian lifestyle which almost assumes most of its members are sharing their faith on a regular basis. Yet I have come to see it as a different kind of invitation. An invitation to live out that famous quote from St. Francis of Assisi, "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words." It also invites me into what I think is a much more gracious style of evangelism. Rather than actively seeking to save the soul of every veteran under my care, I have chosen instead to meet them where they are and in that place, help them to connect with God as they understand Him. I seek to help them find the tools for getting to know God on their own, rather than assuming my way of knowing Him is best.

There have been a few times where family members have asked me to “save” their relatives under my care. In those times I often state that I believe salvation happens best within the context of an already established relationship. That way the person new in their faith can grow in a safe and comfortable environment. I also point to the fact that I’m not sure it is in my role to save souls anyway. God, in the form of His Holy Spirit is the One Who ultimately does that. My job is to share my faith in the best way I can and for me, that faith is best shared by living my life before them as a testimony to the work of God’s Spirit within me.

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