Sunday, April 08, 2007

Chronic Worrier to Prayer Warrior

One day I was talking with a patient when I kept noticing that I was mishearing her. She spoke of how she was always worrying about various things. So much so that her doctor had even prescribed her some medicine to ease her anxiety. She kept on speaking of being a chronic “worrier” and I kept hearing her say “warrior”. At first I thought this was just my tiredness setting in. It is exhausting at times to be working two jobs and trying to be active in my church. Then it occurred to me that this mishearing could be intentional on God’s part. Maybe there was something He wanted me to notice here. So I mentioned this mishearing to the patient and thought aloud that maybe the next time she felt the urge to be a Chronic Worrier, she could, instead, turn her worry into prayer and there by become a Prayer Warrior. She commented that she had never thought about that way and thanked me for sharing that thought with her. I offered to pray for her and she accepted. So, we ended the visit in prayer and I headed off to visit another patient.

1 comment:

Roland said...

Cool. Glad that you are open to things that seem irrelevant.