Thursday, November 08, 2007

Sharing My Life (11/15/07): Discerning God's Will

As one might imagine, lately I have been reflecting and praying a lot about what it means to discern God’s will for my life. Many years ago when I began this walk of faith, I thought God’s plan for my life would be a simple one: go to college, go to seminary, find a church and serve God as their pastor and to also find a wife and raise a family. As I grew and walked along life’s path with God, I found it had a lot more twists and turns than I had anticipated.

I remember one time towards the end of my time at Bethel Seminary being so exasperated with Him that I just blurted out, “God, would you please just tell me what this wonderful plan you have for my life is?”

In reply, I think I heard God say, “Uh, Michel, what exactly would you do if I did show you My plan for your life?”

“Why, I would follow it, of course!” I said back.

“Exactly,” came back His reply, “You would follow the plan and stop following Me.”

As I remember this, I am also reminded of Abraham, Jacob, David, Paul and many other biblical characters. None of their lives followed neat and orderly plans either. As King Solomon wrote in Proverbs, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). Then again, which way requires more faith, to follow a laid out orderly plan or to take each day as it comes, trusting that God will lead and guide you according to His wisdom and grace? To walk with God, inherently requires faith, and I, for one, am learning to take it as it comes.

1 comment:

Roland said...

Follow the pathmaker.
Good thought.