Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Meaningful Words (1/3/07)

In preparing to present my Statement of Faith to these pastors and professors, I have also thought more about what I believe and how I have made those beliefs my own. These poems reflect that stream of thought.

This Cross
I wear this cross around my neck to remind me
To remind me that I am no longer my own
To remind me that I have been bought with a price
To remind me that 2,000 years ago He died in my place
He took the blame that should have been mine
He took the pain that should have been mine
Every bad thought that goes through my head
Every terrible deed that I take part in
Every sin that I commit
Was summed up in those six hours He spent dying on this cross.

This cross reminds me that I have a Savior
No longer must I go it alone
This cross reminds me that I have a Father
No longer must I be a prodigal son
This cross reminds me that I have a family
No longer am I the only one

This cross reminds me of a Man who cared.
He cared for the homeless
He cared for the lonely
He cared for the brokenhearted
He cared for those without a heart
He cared for those society tears apart
He cared for sinners like you and me
He cared for everyone that we do and do not see.
He cared and He still cares

This cross stands for grace
Of greater worth than any gold
This cross stands for mercy
Enough to cover the greatest of sinners a hundred times over
This cross stands for strength
His made perfect in our weakness
This cross stands for power
An immeasurable amount to awesome to even comprehend
This cross stands for love
Unlike any ever imagined or seen
This cross stands for compassion
To receive back a wayward soul that cost Him His own life.
This cross stands for Jesus, my Savior and my Lord!

My Heart
Lord, I give you my heart
All I am
All I have ever been
And ever hope to be
All I have done and ever plan to do
All I am and ever wanted to be
You are the One I was created for
Why have I searched so long for more
In You all my hopes are met
In You all my desires are satisfied
In You, at last, my heart has found
its home.

No Love
There is no love greater than He has for you.
There is no price more than what He paid for you.
All of heaven is desperate for you.
All of creation is longing for you.
Will you turn to this love
And accept it as your own.
He loves you
More than you could know.

Thank you for joining me again, as I share my life and ministry with you in this fashion. I continue to find it encouraging to reflect on God’s work in and through me on a monthly basis and share with those I love and cherish. It is also my constant prayer that as I have been encourage by reflecting on God’s work in me, so you will be also. May you grow daily in your awareness of His blessings and work already present in your life through His Holy Spirit at work in your heart through Christ. He is always actively drawing all of us closer to Himself and making us more like His Son, Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for that promise and fact!

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