Friday, October 07, 2005

Mike's Musings (10/7/05)

Dear family & friends,

• Life Update: Sometimes by Faith

There are times when it seems life just goes on, or so they say. Has it been a month already? Seems like longer. My time at the V.A. ended last week. My time there as Chaplain Resident was challenging and fruitful and now it seems God is calling me to other shores. Starting next week I’ll be at Spee Dee Delivery working as an overnight Package Handler. Not exactly my dream job, but it’ll do for while I’m going for my Graduate Certificate in Chemical Dependency at SCSU and working on getting all the pieces in place to be a Board-Certified Chaplain.

• Sharing my Journey: God in the Present Moment

As I find myself once more in a time of transition, I find God teaching me more and more to find His peace not in hoping to find that perfect position that’s fulfilling in every way or in looking back fondly at the past. To be honest, sometimes looking to those areas causes me more stress then release. Instead I’m slowly learning to find satisfaction in the way God is providing for me today. I am learning to see how each day is preparation for the next and if we sit there worrying about the future or lamenting about the past, we just might miss the blessings God has for us today (Matt. 6). God’s love and care of each of His Children is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. It’s all in His very capable Hands.

While I have reflected about this throughout the month, two songs have been weaving their way in and around my heart, mind and soul:

You are my supply
My breath of life
Still more awesome than I know
You are my reward
Worth living for
Still more awesome than I know

All of You is more than enough for
All of me for every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
And all I have in You is more than enough

Verse 2:
You're my sacrifice
Of greatest price
Still more awesome than I know
You're my coming King
You are everything
Still more awesome than I know

More than all I want
More than all I need
You are more than enough for me
More than all I know
More than all I can see
You are more than enough
- Chris Tomlin

The Truth
I've been putting on and putting off too many people
And I'm getting old to live like an injured man
Ailment and unfilled prescription, like the nose on my face
Like a broken boat, a safety raft, and a love for the water
I just can't decide to sink or swim, it's me or them
Should I save myself or go back for the others

Maybe there's no gray and I was wrong to tell 'em so
And maybe all that I've to do was done a long time ago

There was life before my life
There was provision before my need
There was redemption before my sin
For the sake of the world I thank the Lord
That the truth's not contingent on me

Verse 2:
I've been dressing up and dressing down for too many people
And I'm a little young to live like a troubled boy, a troubled soul
A fish out of water, because we're all just the same
We're all just as good and just as bad and just as distracted
By the corners of our eyes as our fathers were, and theirs before
And all those before them, and here I glance around

Bridge 2:
But with the way I stare you'd think I'd seen through a two-by-four
And with the way I walk you'd think I'd never seen grace before


Verse 3 :
I've been putting up and putting down too many things
That I know nothing about, but I'm jealous of
Holding pride as tight as I can like she was my only daughter

-Derek Web

The first song speaks of God’s provision in the moment of our present need and the second of His continuing faithfulness and the promise it brings.

Thanks for joining me again as I continue to share my life and ministry with you in this fashion. May you find in God this day just enough to keep You in His way. His provisions may not always be what we would like or think we need, but they are enough for this present moment in our lives. May the peace of Christ ever guard your hearts and minds and keep them close to Him, the Source of all that is truly life.

In His Grip,

Michel Jon Willard

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