• Mike's Musings (05/07/05) •
My dear Friends & Family,
• Life Update
The last time I was down in St. Paul, I found myself being asked the same question a number of times: "So, Mike, you've been there for a good seven months, what has been the most challenging part of being a chaplain?" Many of you are probably wondering that as well. The answer may surprise you. Above all, the biggest struggle in working here has not been ministering to the veterans. That's nothing compared to the challenge of learning to work together with other professionals as a member of an interdisciplinary care team. Especially when the other members don't necessarily see you as a "professional." Working the rest of the staff here has definitely been a challenging experience.
In the midst of this struggle came some unexpected news. One of the residencies I was planning to go into next year fell through, yet in it's place came the very real possibility of a working in a small church. Way up north near Grand Rapids lies a two-point perish that is looking for a pastor and one of the BGC's District Officials seems to think I'd be perfect for it. If God wills, so be it. I'll be heading up there to preach next month and very much appreciate your prayers as I discern God's desire for my life in this area.
• Sharing My Journey: Resting In God's Love
One thought that has kept me going this month has been the realization that Jesus also experienced much difficulty when working with others. His own family thought Him a madman at times (Mk 3:21). His disciples quarreled with each other about who was the greatest (Lk 9:46). The leadership status quo of that day thought Him a threat and wanted Him dead (Mtt 12:14). Yet amidst it all He never wavered from His core message of loving God and loving each other. Why was this? Not because He was God's Son, though indeed He was. Not because He was the greatest man Who ever lives, though he was that too. No, His greatest strength lay in none of His great skills as a prophet, as a leader or even a healer, but simply in His reliance in God above all else. When everything was said and done, no matter what anyone else thought or said, Jesus knew it was not what the world said that mattered, but what God said. And we already know what God says about Jesus and about every one of us. If we take the time to still ourselves and get away from all the voices of the world, I believe we would hear God saying to us the same exact words He spoke to Jesus as He came up out of the River Jordan, "This is My Son, with Him I am very well pleased" (Mk 1:11). If we would just learn to rest in that truth, everything else would fade away in comparison.
As I think about that concept, two poems come to mind. One that I don’t think I’ve shared through this venue before and an old favorite:
He is Bigger
I sit on the riverbank and rest awhile.
The water comes to rest and bumps on the sand.
I sit there contemplating I do not know what.
Believers and Atheists alike search for a meaning to life, to love, to death.
And it's standing right there before them,
With its crown of thorns and nail-pierced hands and feet.
The Atheists look and what do they see?
They see nothing for they do not know how to look,
And some don't care to look at all.
The Believers look and what do they see?
They see what they want to see, and nothing more.
But there's more to this life,
More to this love,
More to this death,
And more to this God.
This God is bigger. (2x)
No matter what your sin,
No matter what you've been through.
No matter what you've done.
No matter where you've been.
This God is bigger. (2x)
Jesus is bigger. (2x)
Yes, our God Jesus is bigger. (2x)
Bigger then we will ever know. (3x, fade 3)
Be Still
“Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
-Psalm 46:10
Be still, My child and know that you are loved.
Endless, limitless, eternal love is yours.
My Son paid the price and you are free to come.
Come and know Me
Come and know that you are loved.
Come with no expectations, for they will all be blown away.
Come with no preparations, the price has already been paid
Come with no restrictions for they are only self-imposed
Come desiring nothing, knowing you will receive all that is of true worth.
I am the One Who has loved you since before time began
As you were formed within your mother’s womb
I knew you and called you My chosen one
You are My child and I love you.
I sit on the riverbank and rest awhile.
The water comes to rest and bumps on the sand.
I sit there contemplating I do not know what.
Believers and Atheists alike search for a meaning to life, to love, to death.
And it's standing right there before them,
With its crown of thorns and nail-pierced hands and feet.
The Atheists look and what do they see?
They see nothing for they do not know how to look,
And some don't care to look at all.
The Believers look and what do they see?
They see what they want to see, and nothing more.
But there's more to this life,
More to this love,
More to this death,
And more to this God.
This God is bigger. (2x)
No matter what your sin,
No matter what you've been through.
No matter what you've done.
No matter where you've been.
This God is bigger. (2x)
Jesus is bigger. (2x)
Yes, our God Jesus is bigger. (2x)
Bigger then we will ever know. (3x, fade 3)
Be Still
“Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
-Psalm 46:10
Be still, My child and know that you are loved.
Endless, limitless, eternal love is yours.
My Son paid the price and you are free to come.
Come and know Me
Come and know that you are loved.
Come with no expectations, for they will all be blown away.
Come with no preparations, the price has already been paid
Come with no restrictions for they are only self-imposed
Come desiring nothing, knowing you will receive all that is of true worth.
I am the One Who has loved you since before time began
As you were formed within your mother’s womb
I knew you and called you My chosen one
You are My child and I love you.
All right then, that’s a wrap. One more month down the hatch into memory lane. My next weekends down in St. Paul will be May 13th to the 15th and June 17th to the 18th. June 19th is when I’ll be preaching at the church, which may soon be calling me pastor. If you’re interested in hanging out, even for just a little bit, let me know and I see what I can do. Each of you out there is such an encouragement to me. You’ll never know just how much your prayers and replies mean. Thank you every single one! I hope all is well with each of you. God bless!
In His Grip,
Michel Jon Willard
Michel Jon Willard
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