Tuesday, August 17, 2004

On Men & Women

A complaint I often here from women is this: Why can't men get past the physical? This, of course is voiced in different forms, like, "All men are interested in is T&A" or other wordings. Yet the issue is the same, we men do have a troubles getting past a woman's outer appearence.There are whole industreis build on catering to this taste. However, I don't think we're alone in this issue. Over the years I've noticed something similar in women. At the risk of simplifying the issue way to much, let me start by phrasing the issue like this: Men are to the ideal physical felmale form as women are to the romantic one. Many women think rightly that men have a perfect women in our minds that they will never be able to measure up to. Maybe I'm just being a cynical male, but I think it's the same way with them. They have such an high romantic ideal that we ordinary guys would never stand a chance. I think, maybe, we both need to come back down to earth and realize the reality of the situation. There are no perfect men and women. The ideals we've built up in our heads simply do not exist in real life. To go the Christian route, they are idols that we need to get rid of. They are clouding our view of who each other really is and not allowing us to see each other for who we trully are: beloved children of our heavenly Father.
None of this is meant to excuse either men or women, just to put forth some thoughts. I hope you are all well. God bless!

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